New Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro Satellite Phone
Now With Data Capabilities!
Inmarsat's newest portable satellite phone to enter the market, the IsatPhone promises to throw up tough competition!
With it's sleek new design, the IsatPhone Pro is now capable of both voice and data. This satellite phone has excellent voice quality, with clarity you would not expect from a standard satellite phone.
The IsatPhone Pro data is compatible with MailASail teleport-it, please see our online set up guides for further information on how to make your IsatPhone Pro send compressed emails!
Call costs are roughly $1 per minute, dependent on what type of phone you are calling. MailASail can offer both pre pay and post pay options, please see the below links for more information:
The IsatPhone Pro is recommended for land based use where voice is the primary requirement.
Caveat: Use for Email, Weather and dialing up as an Internet Connection
A caveat with the IsatPhone Pro is that whilst it can make an internet connection and pass data, it's speeds appear significantly lower than it's specification suggests. Comparing with an Iridium handheld terminal (which in theory has identical specifications for data), we observe:
- It takes around an additional 40 seconds (chargeable time) to connect to the internet, ie you incur this additional cost every time you need to connect.
- The download speeds are approx half that of an Iridium terminal (to some extent you can equate that to doubling the airtime cost for the same sized email).
We conclude that:
- The IsatPhone Pro does work for internet data, but the results are much slower than the specifications suggest.
- For most users the speeds will be below the threshold of "satisfactory" (hand waving this means how much you can "do" in 3-5 mins of online time, given that near 1 min is taken up dialing and the remaining time is at "half speed").
- At best we should consider it to be twice the online cost, to compare against the cost of using an Iridium handheld terminal for the same data.
- The equipment usually works better when right under the satellite. Conversely, if you go "far north", ie north of approx "Paris", then the angle to the satellite is very low and more care must be taken to achieve satisfactory performance. The same effect happens when heading out East/West into the Atlantic and Pacific ocean regions (service is fine while testing before you leave and when you arrive, but can be more problematic during the trip itself...)
- We therefore recommend that the Isatphone Pro is best for voice use and if email/internet is required, evaluate very careful costs vs other systems