Global Weather Downloads (GRIB / Synoptic / Text)

Looking to get access to high quality global weather data?

MailASail make available a free weather service for use by our customers and other users.

It's been designed to be:

  • Accessible to anyone, requiring only access to an email account to operate
  • Fast to respond to requests for information (typical response in 1 sec or less)
  • Easy to operate - Typically you need only click the hyperlinks to order forecasts
  • Inexpensive - Currently if free for anyone to use!

How easy is it to use

Sorry we can't put the real email address on the web page or else it gets inundated with "spam" messages, however it should be easy to see what the real address is! You simply send a blank email to: "weather (at) mailasail dot com" and receive "menu" of forecasts back in reply.

Then simply click the links in the messages, or write a new message to the usual address with the EXACT name of the required forecast as the SUBJECT line. Please be sure to smell it correctly, and remember that the file names are CaSe SenSiTiVe!

You can retrieve:

  • Text forcasts (eg GMDSS forecasts)
  • Graphical synoptic charts
  • GRIB forecasts


For more detailed information on using the weather service please see the:

For more a huge list of other weather information please do also visit Frank Singleton's website here: