teleport-weather offers global marine weather forecasts straight to your inbox in GRIB data, synoptic chart and plain text format. Specifically designed for satellite phone data connections, teleport-mail offers instant access to forecasts on demand with no per-item charges. Forecasts are compressed upon download.
Why Use teleport-weather?

Sign up for a teleport-it account and try it for yourself!
How Does It Work?
- Simply send an email to our teleport-weather responder (details supplied when you sign up to teleport-it)
- Detail which file you would like
- Wait a short time for the response
- Open up the attached weather report in one of our recommended viewers
- Download times over a satellite phone connection will depend on the size of file ordered
What Type of Forecasts Can I Get?
teleport-weather makes available a wide range of weather forecast file types, including GRIBs, synoptic charts and text forecasts...

The Weather Window
MailASail also provide an online weather portal called the Weather Window, run by our weather industry experts. This site will answer most of your sailing related weather questions, and more!
Find out more about:
- Understanding Marine Forecasts
- GMDSS Weather Forecast Services
- What is behind the forecast
- Beaufort, Climate Change, History
- Getting, using and understanding GRIB files